20 October 2012

Prometheus Society Officers Karyn Huntting Peters and Alfred Simpson and Member Kevin Langdon Featured in Scientific American MIND

Be sure to pick up the November 2012 issue of Scientific American MIND. It's called the "Genius Issue" and should prove to be good reading. Well, there's that and then there's three Prometheus Society members (Kevin Langdon, Karyn Huntting Peters, and Alfred Simpson) featured in one of the articles! (Click on image to enlarge.)

Visit the article page online at the Scientific American site.

16 October 2012

12 October 2012

High IQ and Obligation | Prometheus Society Poll

Do you think people with very high IQs have an obligation to contribute something to society or mankind? Vote here (poll open to the public). (Click on image to enlarge.)

How did you hear about Prometheus? Take our poll!

How did you find out about the Prometheus Society?

Take the poll here. (Click image to enlarge.)

08 October 2012

Interested in becoming a Subscriber and having access to the Prometheus Society journal, Gift of Fire? Here's how!

02 October 2012

New Prometheus Society Website Guestbook

Another sneak peek! View and/or sign our brand new guestbook!
We're out of beta and running live! Come by for a visit and see our newly-renovated website!