14 February 2007

Prometheus Society Member Marc Sparagen on Jeopardy

Prometheus Society member Marc Spraragen appears television on Monday, February 26, 2007. He'll be fielding Alex's questions (or answers) on "Jeopardy" (check your local television listings for times). Tune in and cheer Marc on!

11 February 2007

A new discussion list

One of our members just set up a new discussion list on Yahoo!Groups. It's called the Fire List Harmony Seekers. The group's description on its home page is: "Description
This group is an experimental group with the objective of achieving peace and harmony in the fire_list." So far, after several hours, the group has three members and two posts. Members of the Prometheus Society and the Fire List may join the group here:


We'll have more news and info on this group as things develop.